For all your cooking advice and tips

Blogging and all its entrails!

19/11/2009 10:42

I've been contemplating a blog for a while. I'm the kinda person who assimilates all the info and then when ready fully launches into the idea. Hence my eruption onto both the twitter and blog world this day. On collecting my daughter from school she announces, not unusually i might add, that she's hungry. And has specific requirements. Cheese on toast with Salami. Now although I do consider myself a good cook, she felt she had to specify even further. Cook the cheese on toast - then add the salami. Before this I had put the salami onto the bread, then the cheese, both to be toasted together. What do I learn from this? That I have reared a child who; a) knows her own mind and palate, and b) She's not happy with my version of cheese on toast!!!

