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The Old and the New

13/04/2011 12:20


The Old and the New- Seamus Heaney and Sage CRM v7.1



I didn’t really enjoy poetry in school, too much darkness as far as I was concerned. I did enjoy Seamus Heaney. Especially Blackberry Picking as I think it relates especially to teenagers. Anyway it’s Seamus Heaney’s birthday this week- so Happy Birthday Seamus.

The Forge is my favourite poem however as it combines my love for horses with remembering something that is no longer used- the hot forge.


The Forge


All I know is a door into the dark.

Outside, old axles and iron hoops rusting;

Inside, the hammered anvil's short-pitched ring,

The unpredictable fantail of sparks

Or hiss when a new shoe toughens in water.


Of course at that stage I was on my way to work and was thinking about tools in business we no longer use- for example cheques will soon be obsolete, there was a very good article on this in the e-finance section of last weeks Worth a read!


Then I decided to be more positive- what tools do we use now to improve our business. We have recently started to use twitter more, both professionally and personally, we find it really good for making contacts. Damien Mulley ( is coming to give us a social media marketing course in June. We hope this will further kick start our presence, embedding it in the social media sphere.


Today Pims launch Sage CRM v7.1. The evolution of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have changed the way that companies in Ireland, and the world connect and interact with people be they customers or prospects. I can't wait to start using it! Tweet Tweet

